Follow the link to read some of my thoughts on ministering to this current generation. Read
Expositors Collective Podcast
I was very honored to talk with Pastor Mike Neglia on his Expositors Collective Podcast. Take a listen here…Expositors Collective
Weekly Devotional
The Scripture:
“If I want him to remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow Me!”
John 21:22
It is easy to look at social media, TV, magazines, etc., and without even meaning to, develop a completely wrong idea of what a successful life looks like. We often view success in terms of numbers: bank account balances, number of friends, number of followers, number of homes, number of cars, number of people reached or impacted . . . the list goes on. But perhaps a successful life in God’s eyes looks very different and can’t be quantified in numbers. In order to be successful by God’s standard it might mean we have to surrender worldly standards of success. This doesn’t mean we just give up our ambition or a desire to succeed. But it does mean that we have to ask God what He wants us to succeed at, and how using the gifts and talents He’s given us to serve Him and the body of Christ will look in our life (1 Corinthians 12:18-20). Since His purpose for our lives is unique and personal, God’s idea of success for our life might not look the same as everyone else’s.
In John 21, Jesus indicates that Peter would eventually face martyrdom. Peter understandably looks to his fellow disciple next to him, and asks Jesus, “What about him?” In this, we see Peter very naturally comparing his life and success to his peers. If Peter had to face such a fate, then what about the other disciples? But Jesus’ response is a revelation for us: “If I want him to remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow Me!” Jesus tells Peter that success is about following Him, wherever that may lead us in life. And it has nothing to do with anyone else—it is between us and Jesus. Peter was successful in life solely because He followed Jesus to the very end. It had nothing to do with what his life looked like in comparison to his peers or what he had accomplished, or how great his following was. Understanding this truth can help us rest in the knowledge that if we live our life following Jesus wherever He leads us, then we have lived a successful life.
The Christian Post
Here’s a link to a recent article for the Christian Post.